Welcome New Visitors!

It can be an exciting time coming into any new church, but also a little daunting, especially if you are unfamiliar with our style of worship.  There is never any “one-size-fits-all” type of worship, but it is important to remember that in worship, it is our wondrous Lord serving you!  He comes through His Word in our liturgy (literally “the work of the people”), and we respond in the best words we know, which are His (the majority of our liturgy is the Word of God).  

When you enter, you will be greeted (we’re a friendly and loving congregation), and given a bulletin with the order of service for the day.  This will accompany the Lutheran Service Book on the pew in front of you.  In this book of worship, you will be led to follow the liturgy, the Psalm of the Day, the Hymns and the Prayers.  It sounds challenging, but you will be surprised how quickly even the children can learn to follow any order of worship.  It is a great way to teach the historic faith!  

Speaking of God’s youngest lambs, we strongly encourage family worship.   The Divine Service has so many elements for people of all ages.

The offering is collected as you walk in, but as guest, we ask that you pass by the plate and allow us to serve you as our guest!  

Holy Communion is an important and salutary part of our worship service, where those who have been instructed in the faith receive the true Body and Blood of Christ for the forgiveness of sins, and the strengthening of our faith, as well as giving  a public proclamation of our unity in the one, true faith.  If you are not yet a member of the LCMS, we ask that you speak with Pastor before the service. He will be happy to share our beliefs and practices with you!  

You may come forward to receive a blessing at the altar, and cross your arms to indicate you will not be receiving the Supper at this time, or you may remain in your seat and pray with us that some day we will all be One in the unity of faith.   

Please sign our registration books located in the rows, and leave a number, address or email where you can be reached.  We love to make new friends!

If you have any questions call us, and Pastor will be pleased to help you in any way, as you take the next step in your journey of faith!  

Soli Dei Gloria!!